Peru Herp List
January - February 2016
Alligatoridae — Alligators and Caimans

Caiman crocodilus
Common Caiman
Alopoglossidae — Shade Lizards

Alopoglossus atriventris
Black-bellied Forest Lizard
Anolidae — Anoles

Anolis bombiceps
Blue-lipped Forest Anole

Anolis fuscoauratus
Brown-eared Anole

Anolis trachyderma
Common Forest Anole

Anolis transversalis
Banded Tree Anole
Gymnophthalmidae — Spectacled Lizards

Cercosaura argula
Elegant Eyed Lizard
Hoplocercidae — Forest Dragons and Armor-tailed Lizards

Enyalioides laticeps
Amazon Forest Dragon
Iguanidae — Iguanas

Iguana iguana
Green Iguana
Phyllodactylidae — Leaf-toed Geckos

Thecadactylus solimoensis
Southern Turnip-tailed Gecko
Scincidae — Skinks

Copeoglossum nigropunctatum
South American Spotted Skink
Sphaerodactylidae — Dwarf Geckos

Gonatodes humeralis
Bridled Forest Gecko
Teiidae — Whiptails and Tegus

Ameiva ameiva
Giant Ameiva

Kentropyx pelviceps
Forest Whiptail
Tropiduridae — Neotropical Ground Lizards

Plica umbra ochrocollaris
Olive Tree Runner

Stenocercus fimbriatus
Western Leaf Lizard
Boidae — Boas
Colubridae — Advanced Snakes

Dendrophidion dendrophis
Tawny Forest Racer
Dipsadidae — Rear-fanged Snakes

Dipsas catesbyi
Ornate Snail-eating Snake

Imantodes cenchoa
Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake

Oxyrhopus petolarius digitalis
Banded Calico Snake

Philodryas argentea
Green-striped Vine Snake

Siphlophis compressus
Red Vine Snake
Elapidae — Cobras, Kraits, Coral Snakes

Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake
Viperidae — Vipers

Bothrops atrox
South American Lancehead

Lachesis muta muta
South American Bushmaster
Frogs and Toads
Aromobatidae — Cryptic Forest Frogs

Allobates femoralis
Spotted-thighed Poison Frog
Bufonidae — True Toads

Atelopus spumarius
Common Harlequin Toad

Rhinella “margaritifera”
Crested Forest Toad

Rhinella dapsilis
Sharp-nosed Toad

Rhinella marina
Cane Toad
Dendrobatidae — Poison Frogs

Ameerega hahneli
Pale-striped Poison Frog

Ranitomeya uakarii
Uakari Poison Frog
Hylidae — Treefrogs

Boana calcarata
Convict Treefrog

Boana cinerascens
Rough-skinned Green Treefrog

Boana lanciformis
Rocket Treefrog

Boana punctata
Polkadot Treefrog

Dendropsophus brevifrons
Short-nosed Treefrog

Dendropsophus haraldschultzi
Many-lined Treefrog

Dendropsophus marmoratus
Marbled Treefrog

Dendropsophus triangulum
Variable Clown Treefrog

Osteocephalus buckleyi
Buckley’s Slender-legged Treefrog

Osteocephalus deridens
Mocking Bromeliad Treefrog

Osteocephalus planiceps
Flat-headed Bromeliad Treefrog

Osteocephalus taurinus
Giant Broad-headed Treefrog

Osteocephalus yasuni
Yasuni Broad-headed Treefrog

Phyllomedusa bicolor
Giant Monkey Frog

Phyllomedusa vaillantii
White-lined Monkey Frog

Scinax ruber
Two-striped Treefrog

Sphaenorhynchus dorisae
Spotted Hatchet-faced Treefrog
Leptodactylidae — Tropical Frogs

Adenomera andreae
Cocha Chirping Frog

Adenomera hylaedactyla
Forest Chirping Frog

Leptodactylus pentadactylus
Smokey Jungle Frog

Leptodactylus petersii
Peter’s Jungle Frog

Leptodactylus wagneri
Dwarf Jungle Frog

Lithodytes lineatus
Painted Antnest Frog
Strabomantidae — Terrestrial-breeding Frogs

Oreobates quixensis
Common Big-headed Rain Frog

Pristimantis altamazonicus
Amazonian Rain Frog

Pristimantis croceoinguinis
Santa Cecilia Robber Frog

Pristimantis luscombei
Luscombe’s Rain Frog

Pristimantis malkini
Malkin’s Rain Frog

Pristimantis ockendeni
Carabaya Rain Frog
Salamanders and Newts
Plethodontidae — Lungless Salamanders

Bolitoglossa peruviana
Peruvian Climbing Salamander
Frogs and Toads:
Salamanders and Newts:
new species: