Unidentified Reptiles and Amphibians from Uganda and Kenya |
This page lists all the reptiles and amphibians I saw on my July 2000 trip
to Uganda and Kenya that I've not yet been able to identify. Each species is linked
to a page with one or more larger pictures and more information. Please
send me mail if you have any further
information, reference suggestions, or wild guesses that might help me identify any
of these.
The complete set of herps that I saw and have managed to identify (with help!) are listed on another page. |
No Longer Unidentified |
The following species started off unidentified but I've since at least tentatively identified each one. Many thanks to Dr. Robert Drewes for helping me identify most of these species. | ||||
treefrog Hyperolius balfouri Chambura Gorge Uganda |
treefrog Hyperolius viridiflavus viridiflavus Lake Elmenteita Kenya |
treefrogs Hyperolius glandicolor Amboseli National Park Kenya |
frog Ptychadena anchietae Ishasha River Uganda |
toads Bufo gutturalis Lake Elmenteita Kenya |
toad Bufo maculatus Mara River Kenya |
turtles Pelusios sinuatus Tsavo West National Park Kenya |
snake Dipsadoboa unicolor Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda |
monitor lizard Varanus albigularis Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda |
chameleon Chamaeleo gracilis Samburu Game Reserve Kenya |
agama Agama agama lionotus Lake Nakuru National Park Kenya |
skink Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda |
skink Mabuya brevicollis Amboseli National Park Kenya |
dwarf gecko Lygodactylus scheffleri Tsavo West National Park Kenya |