Sonora, Mexico Herp List
August 2017
I spent about a week in Sonora, Mexico with Matt Cage, Andrew DuBois, and a small horde of other herpers. Our main destination was around the picturesque town of Álamos in tropical deciduous rainforest habitat. We also visited Bahía de Kino on the coast and the area between Hermosillo and Yécora.
Anolidae — Anoles
Crotaphytidae — Collared and Leopard Lizards

Gambelia wislizenii
Long-nosed Leopard Lizard
Gekkonidae — Typical Geckos

Hemidactylus frenatus
Common House Gecko
Helodermatidae — Gila Monsters and Beaded Lizards

Heloderma suspectum suspectum
Reticulate Gila Monster
Iguanidae — Iguanas

Sauromalus ater
Common Chuckwalla
Phrynosomatidae — Spiny Lizards

Callisaurus draconoides ventralis
Eastern Zebra-tailed Lizard

Holbrookia elegans thermophila
Sonoran Earless Lizard

Phrynosoma solare
Regal Horned Lizard

Sceloporus clarkii clarkii
Sonoran Spiny Lizard

Urosaurus ornatus schottii
Schott’s Tree Lizard

Uta stansburiana elegans
Western Side-blotched Lizard
Phyllodactylidae — Leaf-toed Geckos
Teiidae — Whiptails and Tegus

Aspidoscelis tigris punctilinealis
Sonoran Tiger Whiptail
Boidae — Boas
Colubridae — Advanced Snakes

Masticophis bilineatus
Sonoran Whipsnake
Dipsadidae — Rear-fanged Snakes

Hypsiglena chlorophaea chlorophaea
Sonoran Nightsnake
Viperidae — Vipers

Crotalus cerastes cercobombus
Sonoran Sidewinder

Crotalus tigris
Tiger Rattlesnake
Turtles and Tortoises
Emydidae — Box and Pond Turtles
Kinosternidae — American Mud and Musk Turtles
Testudinidae — Tortoises
Frogs and Toads
Bufonidae — True Toads

Rhinella horribilis
Giant Toad
Hylidae — Treefrogs

Hyla arenicolor
Canyon Treefrog

Hyla wrightorum
Arizona Treefrog
Leptodactylidae — Tropical Frogs
Microhylidae — Narrowmouth Toads
Ranidae — True Frogs
Scaphiopodidae — Spadefoot Toads

Scaphiopus couchii
Couch’s Spadefoot
Turtles and Tortoises:
Frogs and Toads:
new species: