Aspidoscelis costatus
Western Mexico Whiptail
The etymology of the genus name “Aspidoscelis” was recently reevaluated and switched from feminine to masculine. Which is kind of ironic with all of the all-female (parthenogenetic) species in this genus. But in any case, this species is referred to in many places as Aspidoscelis costata, the older feminine name.
Subspecies I've seen:

A. c. griseocephalus
Blue-throated Whiptail
Aspidoscelis costatus griseocephalus
Blue-throated Whiptail

I saw a bunch of these whiptails in the area, but only found one that would hold a position long enough for a photo.
Online references:
- Aspidoscelis costatus account on The Reptile Database
Printed references:
- Rorabaugh, J.C., Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2016. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Sonora, Mexico