Rhinella horribilis
Giant Toad
Also known as:
Western Cane Toad, Spring Chicken (Belize)
The genus Rhinella was split from Bufo by Frost et al in 2006, then redefined by Chaparro et al in 2007 to include Rhinella marina. In 2016 the populations of Rhinella marina west of the Andes were split out by Acevedo et al into the new species Rhinella horribilis.

This photo is from before I got any sort of halfway decent camera, but this toad was so big that even my crappy point-and-shoot could capture its image.

These tiny toadlets were a-hopping all over the shores of a peaceful lagoon in the Rio Claro. They had obviously just graduated from the tadpoling life and were about to begin eating their way to tremendously large adult toadhood.

Here's a nice big chunky adult, one of dozens we saw galumphing around the Golfito area. A particularly large individual spent its evenings eating cat food from the dish of the lodge's resident kitty.

Mommy, what large parotoid glands you have!

"This is my pool, bub. Stay the heck away."

Giant Toads patrolled a large concrete pond in front of the hotel by day and by night.

These toads always look to me as if they are in the midst of serious philosophical thoughts.

Michael Cravens, a braver man than I, grabbed this fat, juicy, poison-oozing toad as it tried to escape into infinite piles of disgustingly smelly landfill garbage. I chose not to hang around for a better photo.
Online references:
- Rhinella horribilis account on AmphibiaWeb
Printed references:
- Campbell, J. A. 1998. Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern Guatemala, the Yucatán, and Belize
- Elliott, L., Gerhardt, C. and Davidson, C. 2009. The Frogs and Toads of North America
- Köhler, G. 2011. Amphibians of Central America
- Lee, J. C. 1996. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Yucatán Peninsula
- Leenders, T. 2001. A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica
- Savage, J. M. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica