Plain and Desert, April 2000
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Desert Tortoise Natural Area
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Desert Tortoise Natural Area is a large expanse of flat Mojave desert scrub set aside for the
protection of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizi). This is what it looks like: a bunch of creosote
bushes, a few other scrubby desert plants, and a lot of mostly hard-packed dirt. I had visited DTNA on at least four
earlier occasions hoping to see a desert tortoise, but to no avail (although I had managed to see
many other reptiles there, including leopard lizards,
long-nosed snakes, and several other species).
This time good fortune blessed us. In the morning we came across this tortoise apparently
napping under a bush (probably just warming up in the morning sun). Here's a closeup:
The seasonal resident naturalist later told us more about this individual.
From the size (about 9 inches long), he estimated it was around 40 years
old. From the shape of the shell he could tell it was a female. And he was
surprised to discover that this one hadn't been marked by any tortoise
researchers. The researchers mark the ones they discover in a non-harmful
way that will last for years, so they can better monitor movement
patterns and other aspects of the life cycle. But our tortoise wasn't marked,
so she had either meandered into DTNA from elsewhere or had otherwise evaded the
notice of researchers.
Here's our tortoise in "action". We watched her determinedly stroll about,
nibbling on tiny desert plants with not infrequent rest stops.
This is proof that the desert tortoise was not the only reptile inhabiting
DTNA that morning. This is a rare shot of a California whiptail
not moving. There were also plenty of side-blotched lizards
around, as usual.