Nannophrys ceylonensis
Sri Lanka Rock Frog

Nannophrys is a distinctive frog genus endemic to Sri Lanka. Four species have been described, though sadly one of them, N. guentheri, has not been seen since its discovery in 1882 and is now considered extinct. N. ceylonensis was the first species discovered and has the largest range, occupying rocky stream microhabitats throughout the low country wet zone of southwest Sri Lanka. N. marmorata is found in the highlands of the Knuckles Range.
The fourth species, N. naeyakai, was discovered only in 2007 in eastern Sri Lanka. This leads me to wonder whether N. guentheri might still be out there somewhere, given that there is no locality (other than "Ceylon") recorded for those individuals found back in 1882. Many, many new frog species have been discovered in Sri Lanka in the last couple of decades, so who is to say that an old frog species might still await rediscovery?
Online references:
- Nannophrys ceylonensis account on AmphibiaWeb
- Nannophrys ceylonensis account on iNaturalist
- Nannophrys ceylonensis account on Amphibian Species of the World
- Dicroglossidae overview on Amphibians of Sri Lanka