Mastigodryas boddaerti
Boddaert’s Tropical Racer

After an unproductive boat ride in which I saw only a single frog, I wasn't ready to call it quits for the night so I headed back out into the forest. First I looked for and found a particularly interesting-looking treefrog, and then I took the short trail to see if anything else worth seeing might put in an appearance. And I was not disappointed, since I found this juvenile sleeping snake.
I originally thought this was a young Drymoluber dichrous, but was shown the error of my ways on iNaturalist.
Here is a complete list of the herps I saw in the wild on my 2014 MT Amazon Expeditions trip.
Online references:
- Giovanna G. Montingelli, Felipe G. Grazziotin, Jaqueline Battilana, Robert W. Murphy, Ya-Ping Zhang, and Hussam Zaher, 2018. Higher-level phylogenetic affinities of the Neotropical genus Mastigodryas Amaral, 1934 (Serpentes: Colubridae), species-group definition and description of a new genus for Mastigodryas bifossatus