Hyperolius viridiflavus
Common Reed Frog

These small treefrogs were sharing some ponds on the grounds of this camp with some toads. By day they were well-hidden, and I couldn't find them at all. At night they were calling loudly and often. The call was a short, bell-like "ting", repeated every few seconds. Each individual's call was a slightly different pitch, making for a beautiful combination when many of them were tinking together. Each calling frog was perched on a reed or branch, between 6 inches and a few feet above the water.
Many thanks to Dr. Robert Drewes for identifying this frog.
Printed references:
- Schiøtz, A. 1999. Treefrogs of Africa
- Spawls, S. 2017. A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maasai Mara