Calumma crypticum
Cryptic Chameleon
Also known as:
Blue-legged Chameleon

After Calumma gastrotaenia, Calumma crypticum was our second most commonly encountered chameleon in this forest. I hesitate to say "second most common" because maybe one of the Brookesia species was more common but harder to notice. Hard to prove! We saw a mixture of young 'uns and adults.
Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2023 trip to Madagascar.

A couple more adults from our second day at Anjozorobe. The first one pictured above shows the blue-ish legs that help distinguish this species from the similar Calumma brevicorne. The two species were only separated in 2006.

We saw a decent number of this species on the roadside near Ranomafana National Park on our first night there, but they were overshadowed by the vast numbers of other chameleons including big ones and small brown ones and small green ones.

Here's a couple more from the next night, to demonstrate some of the variation in color and patterning.
Online references:
- Calumma crypticum account on The Reptile Database
- Calumma crypticum account on iNaturalist
Printed references:
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 2007. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Third Edition