Mammals from Uganda and Kenya
July 2000
This page lists all the mammals I saw on my July 2000 trip to Uganda and Kenya other than an unidentified few rodents and bats. (OK, I'm not counting people either.) Most of these were identified by Gabriel Ochieng, our guide in Uganda, and Albanus Ndiku, our guide in Kenya.
This is The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals by Jonathan Kingdon (Academic Press, 1997). Highly recommended for all African adventures. The taxonomy, all of the scientific names, and most of the common names used here are a la Kingdon.

Mountain GorillaGorilla gorilla beringei
Guereza ColobusColobus guereza
Angola Pied ColobusColobus angolensis
Olive BaboonPapio anubis
Yellow BaboonPapio cynocephalus
Vervet MonkeyCercopithecus pygerythrus
L'Hoest's MonkeyCercopithecus l'hoesti
Gentle (Syke's) MonkeyCercopithecus mitis
Greater GalagoOtolemur crassicaudatus
Cape HareLepus capensis
Unstriped Ground SquirrelXerus rutilus
Common JackalCanis aureus
Black-backed JackalCanis mesomelas
Bat-eared FoxOtocyon megalotis
Banded MongooseMungos mungo
Marsh MongooseAtilax paludinosus
White-tailed MongooseIchneumia albicauda
Spotted HyaenaCrocuta crocuta
Blotched GenetGenetta tigrina
LeopardPanthera pardus
LionPanthera leo
CheetahAcinonyx jubatus
Black-necked Rock HyraxProcavia johnstoni
African ElephantLoxodonta africana
Odd-toed Ungulates
Common zebraEquus quagga
Grevy's zebraEquus grevyi
Browse (Black) RhinocerosDiceros bicornis
Graze (White) RhinocerosCeratotherium simum
Even-toed Ungulates
HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
Giant HogHylochoerus meinertzhageni
Common WarthogPhacochoerus africanus
Masai GiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi
Reticulated GiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis reticulata
Rothschild's GiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis rothschildi
Cape BuffaloSyncerus caffer caffer
BushbuckTragelaphus scriptus
Lesser KuduTragelaphus imberbis
ElandTragelaphus oryx
Blue DuikerCephalophus monticola
Bush DuikerSylvicapra grimmia
Black-fronted Red DuikerCephalophus nigrifrons
OribiOurebia oerebi
KlipspringerOreotragus oreotragus
Kirk's DikdikMadoqua kirkii
Guenther's DikdikMadoqua guentheri
KobKobus kob
WaterbuckKobus ellipsiprymnus
Red-fronted (Thompson's) GazelleGazella rufifrons
Grant's GazelleGazella granti
GerenukLitocranius walleri
ImpalaAepyceros melampus
TopiDamaliscus lunatus
HartebeestAlcelaphus buselaphus
Brindled Gnu (Wildebeest)Connochaetes taurinus
Beisa OryxOryx beisa