Uroplatus sikorae
Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko
We saw two smallish individuals on a night hike, both with missing tails.

In the afternoon of our second day at Analamazaotra, we walked over to the local orchid garden not because we were particularly interested in orchids, but because we hoped to find one of these amazing geckos in that area. Our guide Gersica spotted this one while it was still flat against the thin tree trunk. It got nervous with us oohing and aahing over it, and bunched itself up as seen in the first picture here, before jumping, frog-like, into the air. It caught itself by two legs and the neck on a couple of twigs, as seen in the second photo, and remained in that position absolutely still for at least ten minutes as we took picture after picture. When we were finally satisfied, we nudged it a little so it would get out of what appeared to a very uncomfortable pose, and it climbed up onto the trunk again, as seen in the third picture. We came back about an hour later and tried to find it again, but it was nowhere to be seen. It might have been six inches from our noses, of course, since it's nearly impossible to see.
My sister Mary Sullivan took the first of these pictures.
Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2007 trip to Madagascar.

The first two photos above are of a gecko sleeping during the day. As you might guess, these geckos are extremely difficult to notice during the day; in this case, it was found by a local guide. The other photos are of geckos at night, when they are much easier to find.
Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2023 trip to Madagascar.

This is one individual in a variety of poses that it adopted as it tried to prevent us from taking any photos by staying on the move.
Printed references:
- Bradt, H., Schuurman, D., Garbutt, N. 1996. Madagascar Wildlife: A Visitor's Guide
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 2007. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Third Edition
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 1994. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Second Edition
- Henkel, F., Schmidt, W. 2000. Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar and the Mascarene, Seychelles, and Comoro Islands