Stellagama stellio
Starred Agama
Also known as:
Sling-tailed Agama, Rough-tailed Rock Agama, Stellion
Subspecies I've seen:

S. s. stellio
Starred Agama
Stellagama stellio stellio
Starred Agama

I didn't even know there were agamas in Europe when I spotted this handsome fellow perched on a stone wall. It turns out that this is the only agama species in Europe, and it also turns out that they aren't native to Corfu. They were apparently introduced in 1915.

Later that day at the large grassy Esplanade Square in front of Old Town Corfu, I found quite a few more of these striking, wary lizards on walls, posts, stumps, rocks, and trees. Somehow our tour guide had come up with the idea that these were "rare lizards", which "only live in this park".