Pristimantis sp
unidentified species

Another unidentified Pristimantis species. It's got the W-shaped scapular ridge, rough skin, and some tubercles on its eyelids, but so do so many other species. It's small and nondescript.

This one has approximately the same size, proportions, and skin texture as the previous one, but has a yellower color. I don't know if it's the same species, but it seems like it could be.

Another tint of the same basic idea. This one has a few noticeable pointy dorsolateral tubercles that might be distinctive. For identification's sake, it would have been useful for me to get photos of all of these frogs' bellies, but I generally prefer to leave them alone unless it seems to be a particularly interesting species.

Maybe the colored heels are a clue? All of the frogs on this page have distinctively demarcated heels except the second one.