Pelophryne signata
Lowland Dwarf Toad
Also known as:
St. Andrew’s Cross Toadlet, Short-legged Dwarf Toad

This is a very small frog that only needs a little bit of grip to overcome the faint pull of gravity.
My Travelogues and Trip Lists page includes a complete list of the herps I saw in the wild on this trip to Malaysia, as well as a travelogue of the trip.
Online references:
- Pelophryne signata account on Frogs of Borneo
- Pelophryne signata account on Ecology Asia
- Pelophryne signata account on Amphibians & Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia
- Pelophryne signata account on Amphibians & Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia
Printed references:
- Inger, R. F., Stuebing, R. B., Grafe, T. U., Dehling, J. M. 2017. A Field Guide to the Frogs of Borneo, Third Edition
- Wahab, T. B., Das, I., Min, P. Y., Haas, A. 2014. A Photographic Guide to Frogs of Kubah National Park