Ptychadena longirostris
Snouted Grassland Frog

We found these large, streamlined frogs near large puddles in the dirt road through the reserve. They were common at those spots, though difficult to approach. Typically as we would get near, they would leap into the water and hide in the muck at the bottom. Occasionally one of them would hold its ground for a quick photo session.

I am confident that this frog and the previous one are both Ptychadena longirostris. However, there is another Ptychadena species that is known to share puddles with this one, Ptychadena oxyrhynchus. Some of the other Ptychadena I photographed in this area might belong to that species.

At first I thought this stylish frog was Ptychadena oxyrhynchus, which is known to share dirt road puddles with P. longirostris, but Alex Rebelo set me straight on iNaturalist.
Online references:
- Ptychadena longirostris account on AmphibiaWeb
- Jean Christophe Béhibro Yao N'Gatta Konan, N'Goran Germain Kouamé, Akoua Michèle Kouamé, Abouo Béatrice Adepo-Gourène and Mark-Oliver Rödel, 2016. Feeding Habits of Two Sympatric Rocket Frogs (Genus Ptychadena) in a Forest Remnant of Southern-Central Ivory Coast, West Africa