Ptychadena anchietae
Anchieta’s Ridged Frog
Also known as:
Plain Grass Frog, Northern Rana, Savanna Ridged Frog, Benguella Grassland Frog, Ancheita’s Frog, Long-legged Grass Frog, Anchieta’s Rocket Frog

We stopped to admire the hippos in the Ishasha river at one of the campsites in Queen Elizabeth National Park. I took some time to also admire the frogs at the river's edge. They ranged in size from an inch and a half or so to about 4 inches long, and would leap prodigiously when disturbed. And they got disturbed easily; I had to sneak around for quite a while, frogs leaping about everywhere, before I found one that would hold its ground long enough for me to take this photo.
I couldn't find enough information about the frogs in this area to identify this guy until I got a copy of Channing and Howell's recent guide to East African Amphibians. There are a couple of other possible candidates listed in this book, but this one seemed to be a good fit.
Printed references:
- Channing, A., Howell, K.M. 2006. Amphibians of East Africa
- Spawls, S. 2017. A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maasai Mara