Litoria nasuta
Rocket Frog
Also known as:
Stream-lined Rocket Frog, Striped Rocketfrog, Australian Rocket Frog

We drove slowly along Fogg Dam at night. When we saw a frog, my sister would stop the car and Id hop out to get some photographs and then shoo the frog off the road. These frogs were the most common and the best jumpers.
Ive written up an account of this three-week trip to Australia here.

On our second night at Fogg Dam, it had rained in the afternoon and was still drizzling a bit. This brought the frogs out by the dozens, which made shooing each frog off the road a much more time-consuming task.
Printed references:
- Barker, J., Grigg, G. C., Tyler, M. J. 1995. A Field Guide to Australian Frogs
- Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia, Seventh Edition