Limnonectes hikidai
Rivulet Frog

Limnonectes hikidai is one of the several similar-looking Bornean frogs that have been distinguished from the rest of the Limnonectes “kuhlii” species complex. Compared to the others in this part of Borneo, these frogs are smaller, live in calmer water, and have less-fully-webbed toes.

I'm basing my IDs here mostly on the toe webbing, and I'm not very confident.
Online references:
- Limnonectes hikidai account on Frogs of Borneo
- Masafumi Matsui and Kanto Nishikawa, 2014. Description of a New Species of Limnonectes from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (Dicroglossidae, Anura)
Printed references:
- Inger, R. F., Stuebing, R. B., Grafe, T. U., Dehling, J. M. 2017. A Field Guide to the Frogs of Borneo, Third Edition