Lygodactylus guibei
Guibe’s Dwarf Day Gecko
Also known as:
Western Dwarf Gecko
The name "Westem Dwarf Gecko" has been floating around the web for some time for this species, but that is clearly an incorrect copy of "Western Dwarf Gecko". Also, the name "Western Dwarf Gecko" is silly since these only live in eastern Madagascar.

Lygodactylus geckos can be very difficult to identify from photos. Fortunately this one's color and pattern and tubercle arrangement makes it a dead ringer for the photo provided in Glaw & Vences.
Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2023 trip to Madagascar.

This one is a little smoother/less tuberculate than the one above from Anjozorobe, but I'm still pretty confident that it is Lygodactylus guibei.
Printed references:
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 1994. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Second Edition
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 2007. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Third Edition