Lycodon albofuscus
Slender Wolf Snake
Also known as:
Slender-tailed Wolf Snake, Dark Wolf Snake, Dusky Wolf Snake
This species was formerly classified as Lepturophis albofuscus, until a giant new phylogeny of snakes in 2016 did away with the distinction.

I spotted this snake as it investigated a large buttress and called out "snake!" to my Malaysian companion and guide, Kurt "Orion" G. I didn't know my Malaysian snakes well enough to distinguish this harmless Wolf Snake from, e.g., a cobra, but Kurt certainly did. We detained the snake and moved it to a spot on a nearby trail where we hoped to pose it for photos. The snake had a different idea and rocketed off into the forest approximately a quarter of a second after the grip on it was released, never to be seen again.
My Travelogues and Trip Lists page includes a complete list of the herps I saw in the wild on this trip to Malaysia, as well as a travelogue of the trip.

A year later, Kurt found and wrangled another adult of this species, so I got a chance to see what their heads actually look like.

Youngsters look quite different, with many narrow white crossbands.
Online references:
- Lycodon albofuscus account on The Reptile Database
- Lycodon albofuscus account on Ecology Asia
- Alex Figueroa , Alexander D. McKelvy, L. Lee Grismer, Charles D. Bell, Simon P. Lailvaux, 2016. A Species-Level Phylogeny of Extant Snakes with Description of a New Colubrid Subfamily and Genus
Printed references:
- Das, I. 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia
- Das, I. 2012. A Naturalist's Guide to the Snakes of South-east Asia
- Manthey, U., Grossmann, W. 1997. Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens
- Stuebing, R. B., Inger, R. F., Lardner, B. 2014. A Field Guide to the Snakes of Borneo, Second Edition