Hemiergis decresiensis
Southern Earless Skink
Subspecies I've seen:

H. d. continentis
Mainland Southern Earless Skink
Hemiergis decresiensis continentis
Mainland Southern Earless Skink

This was the first lizard I saw in South Australia. This species can be identified by its lack of external ear opening, its three toes on each foot, and its yellowish belly. This one I found was missing some of its toes, so the counting-toes identification step wasn't so helpful.

And this was the last lizard I saw in South Australia, at least on this trip.
Printed references:
- Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia, Seventh Edition
- Wilson, S. and Swan, G. 2017. A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia, Fifth Edition