Cnemaspis punctata
Spotted Round-eyed Gecko
Also known as:
Spotted Day Gecko

More than twenty Cnemaspis species are scattered throughout Sri Lanka. Many of their ranges are very small, so in any given location there are generally only a few species to choose from. But, they are often very similar, so even if there are only a few species to distinguish, it's not easy to distinguish them. I'm pretty sure that the ones living on the walls of the home we were staying in were C. punctata. We saw them during the day and at night; during the day they were relatively light colored, as seen here.

This one was found on a boulder in the forest, about to disappear into a crevice.

This one was part of the population living on the walls of the house we were staying in. It could possibly be the same individual I photographed two days earlier, but this photo shows how different they looked at night.
Online references:
- Cnemaspis punctata account on The Reptile Database
- Cnemaspis punctata account on iNaturalist
Printed references:
- Somaweera, R., Somaweera, N. 2009. Lizards of Sri Lanka: A Colour Guide with Field Keys