Calumma gallus
Lance-nosed Chameleon
Also known as:
Blade Chameleon, Pinnochio Chameleon

We had spent much of the afternoon hiking to reach a particular reserve in the hopes of seeing this completely ridonculous species. As we arrived, the rains came, and we ate dinner under a shelter wondering whether the downpour would ruin our chances of finding our target silly-schnozzed species. The rain eventually began to abate and we headed in. Ten minutes later we* had found five or six of these, and later in the evening we found a few more.
The first two above are little babies; the third is an adult female; the others, with the really pointy snouts, are adult males.
*by "we", I mostly mean José.
Here is a list of all the reptiles and frogs I saw on this 2023 trip to Madagascar.
Online references:
- Calumma gallus account on The Reptile Database
- Calumma gallus account on iNaturalist
Printed references:
- Glaw, F., Vences, M. 2007. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar, Third Edition