Cophotis ceylanicus
Pygmy Lizard
Also known as:
Ceylon Deaf Agama

I really wanted to see this weird little lizard in Sri Lanka, and my guide Udaya Chanaka did not want to disappoint me. But we had failed to find any in the previous couple of days. We had looked for them with Chamira, a naturallst friend of Chanaka's, but had no luck. Chamira had put in calls to various naturalist friends of his, and on our last morning in the area one of the friends called back to say that there was one in a tree in their yard. We headed that way, and by the time we got there a second one had been found, so now we had both a male (top) and a female (bottom) to photograph. Just look at those crazy scales!
Online references:
- Cophotis ceylanica account on The Reptile Database
- Cophotis ceylanica account on the Lanka Nature Summary blog
- Cophotis ceylanica account on iNaturalist
Printed references:
- Somaweera, R., Somaweera, N. 2009. Lizards of Sri Lanka: A Colour Guide with Field Keys
- de Silva, A., Ukuwela, K. 2017. A Naturalist's Guide to the Reptiles of Sri Lanka