Ameiva praesignis
Dusky Ameiva
Also known as:
Giant Ameiva, Amazon Racerunner, Borriguerro Ameiva
This species was split from Ameiva ameiva in 2011. The ones in southern Florida were determined to be this new species.

I ran across two of these colorful, speedy, and non-cooperative lizards while photographing Gray's Spiny-tailed Iguanas on the former grounds of the Crandon Park Zoo. Apparently this is another species that escaped from its former cages and has since formed a long-term population.
Online references:
- Ameiva praesignis account on The Reptile Database
- Gabriel N. Ugueto and Michael B. Harvey, 2001. Revision of Ameiva ameiva Linnaeus (Squamata: Teiidae) in Venezuela: Recognition of Four Species and Status of Introduced Populations in Southern Florida, USA