Anolis osa
Osa Anole
Anolis osa, found only on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula, was split from Anolis polylepis in 2010 based only on the morphology of its genitals. Some authorities do not accept this split.

These four are all adult males, found one afternoon in a progressively-darkening patch of primary rainforest. The females have much less of a pattern. We were very impressed by the relative size of the huge yellow dewlap that the first anole here displayed for us.
Some authorities put most of the Central and South American anole species (as opposed to the U.S./Caribbean ones) into the genus Norops. This might become the standard soon, but for now there are still many authorities using "Anolis". Thanks to Axel Fläschendräger for helping to identify this anole as Anoilis polylepis (which was appropriate at the time).
Online references:
- Anolis osa account on The Reptile Database
- Gunther Köhler and Matthias Dehling, 2010. Cryptic species and hybridization in the Anolis polylepis complex, with the description of a new species from the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica (Squamata: Polychrotidae)