Atheris chlorechis
Western Bush Viper
Also known as:
West African Leaf Viper, Green Bush Viper

On our fifth and final night in the forests of Ghana, we had yet to find a venomous snake on this trip. And, as you know, everyone loves venomous snakes the best. Kurt was determined not to stop looking until this unfortunate situation had been remedied. Everyone else had gone to bed by 11pm or so after four hours of trudging up and down hills and through swamps, but Kurt and I made one last pass down the main trail and then onto a small side trail that led to a stream. Kurt's eagle eyes spotted this beauty draped in an ambush position in some vegetation, as seen in the first photo. Then we coaxed it into a more picturesque pose for a 1:00 am photo session.
Online references:
- Atheris chlorechis account on The Reptile Database