Aplopeltura boa
Blunt-headed Snail-eating Snake
Also known as:
Blunt-headed Tree Snake, Blunt-headed Slug Snake

These snakes are not particularly elegant, but with their slow movements and great big eyes, they are very cute. We saw two on our first night in Mulu, the lighter-colored young one, and the darker-colored adult.

Another darker-colored adult from the next night. This one had more patterning.

When disturbed, these slow-moving snakes sometimes deploy the "cinnamon roll defense". Nothing to see here! Just a delicious pastry balanced on a twig! Move along!

Kurt spotted this snail-eating snake actually eating a snail. Truth in advertising. We took a few quick photos but then left it alone to enjoy its meal.
Online references:
- Aplopeltura boa account on The Reptile Database
Printed references:
- Das, I. 2010. A Field Guide to the Reptiles of South-east Asia
- Stuebing, R. B., Inger, R. F., Lardner, B. 2014. A Field Guide to the Snakes of Borneo, Second Edition