Anolis biporcatus
Neotropical Green Anole
Also known as:
Green Tree Anole

There are more than two dozen anole species in Costa Rica alone, so it's often difficult to identify an individual lizard. Fortunately for me, there's only one bright green species. This one was on the trunk of a palm tree, hiding behind palm leaves swaying in the breeze.
Some authorities put most of the Central and South American anole species (as opposed to the U.S./Caribbean ones) into the genus Norops. This might become the standard soon, but for now there are still many authorities using "Anolis".
Mario Urriola spotted one of these anoles sleeping high in a tree at night, and pointed it out to Lorrie Smith and me. It was too high up to get a flash photo or to try to manipulate the vegetation to get it down lower.
Printed references:
- Campbell, J. A. 1998. Amphibians and Reptiles of Northern Guatemala, the Yucatán, and Belize
- Hayes, M. P., Pounds, J. A., Timmerman, W. W. 1989. An Annotated List and Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Monteverde, Costa Rica
- Lee, J. C. 1996. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Yucatán Peninsula
- Lee, J. C. 2000. A Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Maya World
- Leenders, T. 2001. A Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica
- Savage, J. M. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica
- Savage, J. M., Villa R., J. 1986. Introduction to the Herpetofauna of Costa Rica